
Monday, 7 November 2016

three sticks

title/How to play Three sticks

Three sticks is a competitive sport, some people like at school, beaches, homes and during school athletes, they play three sticks,But Rio put triple jump so that's close.

If you want to play three sticks, all you need is three sticks and players or you can play by yourself and you don't have to pay heaps of money because it's free , you can use some brunches or cut some strips of wood if you want. Ok now you separate the three sticks and then move a bit back and then you run and hop over every stick and when you hop over the last stick you move t he last stick next to the back of your feet and if you want to make it challenging then you can challenge your friends or yourself.

If you already know how to play three sticks then play triple jump because you add two more jumps so its abit harder.


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